Baecitylights Desk Upgrade
Desk – IKEA Hardwood Counter
Starting us off, I have got Baecitylights upgrade to show you, and what an upgrade it is. Though to be fair, I dont know what it was upgraded from, judging by the quality of this rig, hunches say the previous battlestation probably was not that bad! This is Baecitylights rig, and what a beauty to start us off with.
This rig is a home office, where Baecitylights does IT support work, and the rig is also for his personal use, which sounds ideal, you would never have to leave your battlestation at the end of the day.
Starting out with the desk, it consists off the ever loved IKEA Alex drawers (is there anything that they are not good for) and then a solid oak stained counter top, with some adjustable kitchen legs; as a result of these, the desk sits at a custom height completely tuned for the user.
My favorite piece is the desk. I had never sanded and stained furniture before this and I like the way it turned out.
Well, Baecitylights , I can confirm it looks great, the dark colours really set off your white gear.

The IKEA Alex drawers are a very popular option out there, being affordable and, well its IKEA so they fly up when your ready to build, there is plenty of custom ideas for IKEA stuff, including the Alex drawers on IKEA Hackers; because of this, there is no limit to what you can do with your IKEA hardware. These also available on Amazon.

The keyboard here is a CoolerMaster Masterkeys Pro L- a gaming focused mechanical keyboard, with enough RGB to satisfy all.
This keyboard is great and suits well, with the RGB lighting perfectly matching the setup, this board has custom white key-caps purchased from
This Rig’s is lead by a Logitech G502 mouse, an excellent choice, with Kanto Yumi’s powering the audio with optional Bluetooth connectivity.
Display, we have a HP Omen 32, a 1440p beast that sits perfectly centered in the setup, this monitor stand is especially unique with a two legged wide base, sitting perfectly in this home office.

This simple yet comfy looking chair is an Office Depot Verismo, which has been customized to remove chrome parts- no chrome for this gaming desk.

So where do you go from here?
Next upgrade will probably going back to a dual vertical stacked monitor setup.
Be sure to send us some updates when you get those installed.
There is also a bonus cable management album for you to peruse here.
As you can see, good use of RGB and the ever great IKEA cable tidy trays, bonus points for cutting a hole to feed the mouse and keyboard wiring, this really sets off a build, and it takes guts to drill through your brand new desk!
Thanks to Baecitylights for letting us feature his office setup, I loved it. I hope you have enjoyed reading about it. A beautiful combination of excellent specifications, good design, and great photography, you can check out his original imgur album for his battlestation here
If you want to check out these wallpapers, he has very kindly put them all together here