Why is My PC Loud All of a Sudden?

Why PC loud - noise warning graphic

A suddenly noisy PC can disrupt your workflow and be a cause for concern. But don’t fret, we’re about to break down the most common reasons behind that uproar from your trusty machine.

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The Difference Between A Gaming Rig and A PC

The Difference Between A Gaming Rig and A PC

You’ve probably heard the terms “gaming rig” and “PC” thrown around and wondered if there’s any real difference between the two. Well, good news! You’ve stumbled upon the perfect read to demystify that for you.

Read on to discover the key difference between a gaming rig and a PC.

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Why Do PC Players Have an Advantage?

Why do PC players have an advantage?

Ever watched a PC gamer tear through a game with unparalleled precision and speed and wondered why they seem to have an edge? The truth is, PC players do have some inherent advantages. Let’s find out why. Why Do PC Players Have an Advantage? PC players benefit from more precise controls, superior graphics settings, and … Read more

Can You Lay a PC on Its Side?

Can You Lay a PC on Its Side?

So, you’re in the mood to give your PC a little lie-down, huh? Maybe it’s just feeling a bit tired, or perhaps you’re trying to save space. Either way, let’s explore the ins and outs of laying a PC down sideways.

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What is the best desk for gaming?

Battlestation Setup

The best desk for gaming is one that provides you with the room to perform while being strong, hardwearing and affordable. There are no real killer features of a desk that will make you a better gamer. That said, there are some recommended avenues to explore, that can make your gaming experience, just that bit nicer.

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Can Gaming PCs be used for other things?

Outrun Style RGB

Picture this, you buy all your components of choice, and laboriously put them together, install your OS and fire that bad boy up, and rejoice as you play the latest titles on Ultra graphics, with absolutely no sacrifices, but then you ask yourself, what else can I do with this thing? Am I trapped to an eternity of glorious PC gaming?

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